Jubel Ahmed is 15 years old and attends a local secondary school. He is studying business studies and his favourite subject is accounting. He has one younger brother aged 11.
Jubel is from Sylhet and lives in a rented house. His mother does housework and his father is a day labourer.
He wants to learn computing to help him find employment in future. He enjoys learning Word and would also like to learn graphics.
Ifa is in the first year at college. Her favourite subject is accounting. She has two younger brothers attending secondary school.
Ifata’s mother is a housewife and her father is a rickshaw puller.
Ifta wants to learn computing to help her get work in future. She really enjoys the class and hopes to learn about web sites in future.

Marufa is 15 years old and studies arts. She was originally from a village outside Sylhet but the family moved to Sylhet in 2003. They live in a rented house.
Maruka’s father died in 2007 in Sylhet. Her mother is a cook and earns money by cooking for other people. Maruka has 3 sisters and one brother. Two of her sisters and her brother are at school and live with Maruka and her mother. One sister is married and lives in her husband’s home.
Maruka wants to work for the police in the future. She wants to earn some money from her new computer skills as soon as possible so that she can help her mother with household expenses.

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